Music With Words In
Over 3 years in the making, the second album is a celebration of digital music.
Electronic songs with energy and soul. I hope you like them.
The Music
Using the players below you can preview all of the tracks from the album.
To listen in full and keep up to date, feel free to like and follow on Spotify and Apple Music.
Apple Music
Not got Spotify, Apple or any other streaming account?
You can listen to the album uninterrupted using the players below.
If you can support and buy the album then great.
If not, no worries, crank up the volume and enjoy!
Better than I thought it’d be
Music to get you pumped while working on Excel sheets
Not got round to listening to it yet
Neither have I
Really good played low
Not my thing
Yeah, it’s not bad
It got me through a regulatory compliance module
Pleasantly surprised
Get Social
(c) Mike Leavy
All rights reserved
Rave on!
An electronic place
that’s funky, chilled
and good for the soul